Tax Professionals for Cost Segregation

A cost segregation real estate analysis is a type of strategic tax tool allowing individual property owners and companies who have constructed, modified, or remodeled any property to accelerate cash flow by increasing depreciation deductions. This depreciation can help property owners defer state and federal income taxes to some degree.

If you are considering cost segregation, you should choose a company that specializes in helping property owners save money and accelerate depreciation deductions. There are many companies that claim to do this, but KBKG is dedicated to helping its clients understand the nuances behind real estate cost segregation. Here are some ways to ensure you choose the right cost segregation provider.

Consider How Long a Company Has Been Performing Cost Segregation Real Estate Analysis

When choosing a cost segregation study real estate firm, you should consider how long the firm has been performing cost segregation studies. You don’t want to hire a firm that hasn’t been in business long, and even if a company has been around a while, you don’t want to choose one that just started doing cost segregation studies. Select a firm that has an established history of performing successful cost segregation studies.

Don’t be afraid to ask a potential provider how many studies they have completed. The more successful studies they have completed, the more likely they are to have the experience necessary to assist you or your company.

Find Out if a Company’s Professionals Are Qualified

Many property owners immediately turn to their CPAs to perform cost segregation analysis. However, though a CPA may be highly trained and knowledgeable, they may not possess the tax knowledge needed to perform an accurate and in-depth study.

Instead of going to the nearest accountant, you should choose a financial engineer or experienced CPA with a background in cost segregation analysis real estate. These individuals can help you find the most deductions and save the most money. They are also less likely to make costly mistakes that require the IRS to get involved.

Choose a Company With an Action Plan To Deal With Audits

A cost segregation analysis provider should have a plan if a client is audited by the IRS. Ideally, the chances of an audit should be relatively low, but there is no guarantee against it. Talk to your provider and see if they have a detailed response plan if their work is challenged by the IRS.


When you are ready to choose a real estate cost segregation provider, you should definitely consider KBKG. Beyond the expected financial engineers or accountants, our team is made up of numerous financial professionals and tax experts who are ready and willing to go above and beyond for you and your company. We understand the finer points of performing an extensive and accurate cost segregation study, and we always strive to act with honesty and integrity.

Contact Us To Learn More About Cost Segregation Real Estate Studies

If you are a property owner considering a cost segregation real estate study, KBKG wants to be your provider. We have years of experience performing studies and use this experience to the advantage of our clients. Our company aims to help you reduce your tax burden as much as possible, so we conduct all studies efficiently and meticulously. Contact us today to learn more about our cost segregation analysis services.