Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging
Mission Statement
KBKG’s DEI Committee intends to build and sustain a culture of equity and inclusion throughout the firm. Our Mission is to foster a work culture that embraces our differences to fuel innovation, collaboration, and connect to the communities we serve. We want to create an equitable opportunity for everyone’s personal and professional growth.
Vision Statement
Our Vision is to build an inclusive culture that encourages, supports, and celebrates our individual, diverse voices.
Our DEI Committee meets monthly and shares newsletters to highlight special events & traditions going on during each month and encourage our staff to learn more. Download our recent newsletters below.

American Cancer Society
Cancer Research Institute
Crisis Text Line
Diaper Bank of North Carolina
Door of Hope
Downtown Women's Center
Family Promise of Delaware County (OH)
Habitat for Humanity/Windy City Habitat (Chicago)
Operation Gratitude
Pancreatic Cancer Action Network
Susan G Komen
Tree People
We give our employees the time, tools, and events to make a positive difference in
the lives of others (including dogs, cats, and cute friendly animals).
who care about their communities. We give our
employees the time, tools, and events to make
a positive difference in the lives of others
(including dogs, cats, and cute friendly animals).
We give our employees the time, tools, and events to make a positive difference in
the lives of others (including dogs, cats, and cute friendly animals).
Crisis Text Line
Door of Hope
Downtown Women's Center
Family Promise of Delaware County (OH)
Habitat for Humanity/Windy City Habitat (Chicago)
Pancreatic Cancer Action Network