Estimate Your Savings Instantly - Cost Segregation Savings Calculator

A Cost Segregation Study properly classifies and assigns accurate depreciable lives to components of your real estate assets.
Our FREE Cost Segregation Savings Calculator estimates your federal income tax savings and provides:

  • Estimated allocations to 5, 7, 15, and real property
  • Tax deductions and additional cash flow each year
  • Net present value over 10 years and over the life of the property

Enter your building details and instantly receive a detailed report showing your potential tax savings

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Cost Segregation Experts

If you prefer that we run the numbers for you and provide a competitive fee quote, please provide building information.

What is Involved in a Cost Segregation Study?

A quality Cost Segregation Study evaluates all information including available records, inspections, and interviews, and presents the findings in a clear, well-documented format. Our process for conducting a detailed Cost Segregation includes A review of any available cost detail for the property, a review of any available blueprints, and a physical inspection of the property. If none of this information is available, a cost segregation study can still be performed by estimating component values on site.

When should a Cost Segregation Study be conducted?

A Cost Segregation Study can be completed any time after the purchase, remodel, or construction of a property. However, the optimum time for a study for new owners is during the year a building is constructed, purchased, or remodeled. For investors who are in the planning phases of construction or remodeling, the best time to consider a Cost Segregation Study is before the infrastructure of the building is set.

KBKG offers a free preliminary analysis that can help determine the right timing and strategy for any investor.

Have Questions? We're here to help.

Our team of experts are well-versed in their respective fields and are able to answer most any question.