HIRE Act Payroll Tax Exemption & Credit Hire

Hiring individuals previously unemployed may qualify employers for a payroll tax exemption as well as a tax credit up to $1,000 provided certain requirements are met.

Employer FICA Tip Credit

Employer may receive a tax credit for employees who report tips as income on W2's.

Native American Employment Credit

Employers on Indian Reservations may receive up to $4,000 annually for each qualified employee.

EZ Employee Credit

Employees working in the Enterprise Zone may receive up to $525 in credit. Employees should reference Form 3553 when preparing their tax returns.

Targeted Area Contract Preference Act

Businesses bidding on State of California contracts may receive up to 9% preference on bids for performing work in Enterprise Zones or using Enterprise Zone-qualified employees.

HUB Zone

HUB Zone certified business are eligible for preference on federal contracts.
Native American Indian Subcontractor Subsidy

Contractors may receive federal subsidies for subcontracting work to Native American-owned businesses.

For more information on expiration dates, zone renewals, new upcoming areas, etc, please contact us at 877.525.4462